Once they ruled, but now they are in ruins; scattered, leaderless, a House divided. The Eagle fought the Dragon, and the Dragon won, for how could it not? Treachery, misdirection, and uneasy alliances put paid to the Shiho and left them at the mercy of the Takashi Clan. In the years following the Dragon Wars, the Shiho name has hardly been mentioned, until now. Recently, that name is being spoken again, with increasing enthusiasm and excitement as it seems that the only known member of that once proud Clan has returned to the Isles of Jwar.
Shiho Hiroto is back to conquer his many foes and destroy the Takashi Clan by any means possible. He is leading a secret war that’s taking place in the rice paddies, jungles, and thickets of Jwar. Shiho Hiroto is choosing to forgo a full-frontal attack, as he and his many men are more than happy to harry, pillage, and disrupt the vital lines of supply, communication, and control, that the Takashi need to regulate the Isles and the populace it contains. Support for the Takashi has always been active in, and around, the cities and larger towns, but out in the hinterland, in the hovels and the hamlets, the Eagle has never died.
The Wolf Clan, once staunch supporters of the Shiho have offered assistance to him despite their proximity to Ryu and the Takashi Clan, and Shiho Hiroto knows that with their support, this rebel Clan will once more be able to spread their majestic wings and hunt!