Jima! A den of unfathomable iniquity, and home to the Silvermoon Trade Syndicate. If your tastes run to easy coin, loose morals, bar brawls, and intoxication, Jima is for you; but always harken to its personal mantra, and that is, ‘Always pay what you owe.’ For if you don’t, you’ll run afoul of the Silvermoon Trade Syndicate, and you don’t want that, the harbor is full of people who ‘forgot’ to pay their way.
They’ll break your knees, take an eye, or snap a limb, quicker than you can say, mah-jong! This criminal enterprise employs Buto, assassins, grifters, spies, and Roses with thorns so sharp they could sever an artery. Violence and beauty operate side-by-side in the Silvermoon Trade Syndicate, so too does business and blackmail; just as long as they generate coin enough to hold the Syndicate’s interest, then all will be well.
The Silvermoon Trade Syndicate are beholden to no one, no Clan or House tells them what to do, as they are the power behind the power and the Fist of Iron inside the silken glove. Rumors abound that every dominant Clan is indebted to them in some way, whether they know it or not, and that the financial webs these eternal entrepreneurs weave are so intricate and pervasive that they stretch over the waters to the heart of the Empire and the counting houses of the Emperor himself.
The Silvermoon Trade Syndicate can present themselves in many ways on the battlefield. They can be as aggressive as any of the Clans are, or, as subtle and deadly as those who prefer to achieve their results in the shadows. The odds always favor the house, and that’s just how the Silvermoon Trade Syndicate like it. High-risk for high reward is the way they do things. Sometimes it is the mere threat of force that makes the Silvermoon so successful, that, and the actual force the Buto do when let loose among their foes.
Their Roses, renowned throughout Jwar for their beauty and intoxicating fragrance, are also a thorn in their opponents’ side, as they can easily persuade an enemy to turn his weapons against his, or her, compatriots. The Silvermoon use urchins and orphans and others that may have rejected as just one of the many weapons in their arsenal and speaking of such, the less noticeable the weapon, the better!