In the snow-bound mountain peaks of the Isles of Jwar, lies the hearths and homes of the Tengu, and it is from here, high above the clouds, that they bear witness to all of our follies and foibles. The Tengu have for centuries been mostly unconcerned by the rise and fall of the Clans, or of those who would rule the roost. Such machinations are not their way, and they have little understanding or tolerance for those who do.
Ever patient, the Tengu have always seen themselves as above the endless strife that eddies and swirls beneath them in the valleys, plains, and cities of the humans. Revered by the local tribes-folk who share their high peaks, and their beliefs, the Tengu are an island of calm in an ocean of chaos, and yet, with the passing of time and the frequency of armed incursions into their lands, some have decided to descend, unannounced, to join in the fray.
This decision has not been made lightly and has led to a fracturing of the age-old bonds that bind the Tengu together. Blood and violence, like the wind through a Tengu’s wing, is not inconsequential to this magnificent race of bird-folk, and they will stop at nothing to protect their way of life, even if it means pitting Tengu against Tengu. No matter the cost, the Tengu have sworn to bring death to those that would meddle in affairs far beyond their ken.
On the field of battle, there is nothing as fast or maneuverable as a Tengu on the move. Clad in armor that affords them ample protection yet does not impede their flying, the Tengu are merciless when working in perfect, winged-harmony, just as the flock does when it wants to achieve its maximum potential.
The mighty Kurama are more than a match for any samurai warrior, armed with either a sword or a bow; they fight with a feathered fury the valley-dwellers have seldom seen. Wizened Shisai and Shugenja have also aligned themselves to the breakaway Descent and aim to do whatever is in their power to best aid their flock-mates and allies. Loyal tribesfolk have rallied to the war-banners of the Tengu and are showing their undying support on the battlefield by using their skills as trappers, hunter-gatherers, and savage, mountain-top warriors, to deadly effect.