When this model suffers Wounds from a Melee attack, after the Melee Exchange is resolved the attacking model gains a Spirit Block Marker.
During the Starting Phase choose 1 of the following: • Remove this model from play. If you do remove all Ki Tokens from non-Soulless models within 2". • Remove 1 Ki Token from an Enemy model within 6" and place it on this model, any Ki Tokens in excess of this model's Ki Statistic may be given to 1 model in BtB.
When this model makes a successful Melee or Ranged attack, instead of rolling Damage remove a Ki Token from the model and place it on this model. This model cannot have more than 2 Ki Tokens, any Ki Tokens in excess of this model's Ki Statistic may be given to 1 model in Btb. When this model is Killed, you may add 1 Counter to the Blessings of the Void Communal Card if you have recruited it into your Warband.
A Kami Model spending Ki does not count as it taking damage.