Last Stand is resolved in Step 3 of the End Phase. Damage from Fire/Bleed/Poison does Kill and Remove a model from play if its last wound box is marked because of it.
Touch the Void deals damage once, not one seperate point for each Ki spent.
The ability to Move before performing an action, such as from Cavalry or Fu Ran Ku's Unique Effect, allows you to declare an Action that wouldn't be legal until after the movement is complete, such as performing a Scenario Action while not yet being BtB with a Scenario Objective, or being in BtB with an Enemy with an Action that doesn't allow it.
You can use the action from the Heal trait to enter BtB with an Enemy model without a Melee Exchange, but you must then Heal them.
In the Melee Exchange from the Trap Door Web, a Fear test is not required, both models will be Exhausted, and Reach does not affect initiative. Lightning Reflexes still functions as normal.
A Kami Model spending Ki does not count as it taking damage.
If you use Grapple Attack on an enemy with Immune [Held], the Melee Exchange will still end even though the enemy does not become Held.
Cleave has been changed to add Brutal (2) to the models Melee Weapons only.
Multiple instances of Coordinated Attack stack as long as the Coordinated Attack traits are all satisfied. Multiple models do not trigger the benefit from one Coordinated Attack multiple times.
You can declare a charge where only the movement over ideal terrain in the charge path will give you enough movement to reach the charge target.
If you don't roll any dice (or they all roll 1s), you cannot benefit from Brutal, Parry, or Resistance.
The Tough (-1) in the Curse of Stinging Needles feat is a modifier. It does stack, including with itself. If we ever have something gain a negative value trait, we'll word it differently.
You can't use Spirit Defence Ritual on a Yuta to get one Ki Feat for free once, as no wounds are marked so no benefit is gained.
Crush The Oppressed doubles the number of Control Markers, so you will end up with twice as many, not all cancelled out.
The Temple and Descension Gorinto cards have different effects, in hindsight we should have changed the name on one of them.
The Serpent's Coil theme can trigger multiple times granting multiple Ki. Note the models Poisoned do not have to be Enemy models.
The Knife Equipment card can be used by Crabs, even though Animals and Swarms cannot normally have special cards attached. The text allowing the crabs to have the card should reference the Enhancement rule preventing these types from using the card, thus has priority.
During the Tactical Test, if a player only has one model in play and it is in BtB with an Enemy Fu Ran Ku, and thus cannot select that model to take the Tactical Test, perform the Tactical Test with 1 die.
The Benthic Servitude theme effect only applies to Ki feats physically on Jung Keikoku’s card, and not feats gained from special cards.
The Worm ability "Kohai" may only duplicate feats physically on the card.
The Skirmish Mission theme does not allow you to exceed the Max value of Enhancements or Terrain special cards.
Effects that increase the cost of Ki Feats (such as Disturb Flow trait or the Tax Ki Feat) do not work on the Kinshi Temple Ki Feats. They use these feats at no cost.
If no models are going to be Deployed from Elsewhere via Flank at the time of the Tactical Test, then The Unfurled Wing will not trigger.
You can take Ronin event cards using the Hidden Agenda card for the Silvermoon Trade Syndicate.
If you use the Curse Fate feat while the Balance event has been played, dice cannot be re-rolled so remove any duplicates, those are lost.
If a model with Flank cannot Deploy on the Flank turn, they stay Elsewhere until some other trait or effect can bring them back to the board.
If two (or more) models in a Warband are affected by Fog of Hesitation, once all other models have used their Activation Counters, the affected models may activate as normal.
If a model ignores Cover (Or ignores Cover modifiers), since a model must be "Benefiting" from Cover to gain Camouflage, it also ignores Camouflage.
War Weary states its duration: “In the first turn”, so models coming in with Flank on the same turn will still only get a single Activation Counter.
Assassin trumps Strong and Weak. Technically the player would choose which trait to resolve first, but there is no reason not to choose Assassin if able as the quantity of damage dice is specified and would not change due to the addition of Strong or Weak.
An Enemy Model moved into BtB with a Model will not cause a Fear Test.
For a Model to be Benefitting from a Melee Assist, the Enemy Model must be losing dice. Indomitable will prevent this.
Deference and Lord of the Jwar Isles only affect actions and not any Targetted Ki Feat.
When making a Ranged Attack with Waka, you may place the terrain element at any point during the Attack. This can avoid giving the Target Cover from Waka’s own Ranged Attack.
When Phantom or Spectre Summon the other of the pair, removing the Summoning model from play ends their activation and they lose an Activation Counter. The Summoned model then receives the remaining Activation Counters. The Summoned model does not immediately activate. Effectively, the Summoning was the complete activation. Their ability to swap places on the battlefield is not affected by this, the active model remains active and continues their activation
If Phantom or Spectre Summon the other of the pair, they have exactly as much health as they had the last time they were in play in this match. If they haven't yet been in play or have been killed previously, they appear with full health. Using this swap does not heal or add damage to the wound track.
Axiam can't use Special Attacks gained from his Unique Effect on Ranged Weapons
You can't return Grey Pilgrim to play with her own Spark of Life, as you are unable to put her in BtB when she is not in play.
If a Model is returned to play and it was a VIM, it is no longer a VIM as usual, and the VIM counts as being killed.
A Model returned to play with Spark of Life returns without Activation Counters or status effects. It keeps any Enhancements and/or Equipment.
When you return a Model to play, it is Deployed, and follows the usual restrictions for being Deployed (not into BtB with an Enemy model or in an Enemy Model’s ZoC).
You must declare whether Tanaka Kazuo is losing Aware and Defensive before dice are allocated in step 4 of the Melee Exchange.